Magical Unicorn
Sacha Brant
Branding and Business Building Tycoon
I’m Sacha Brant, a serial entrepreneur and founder of Brand Scrubbers; A unique digital marketing and web development agency. Whether you’re in need of a professionally-designed logo, expert social media management, or a completely new website design, Brand Scrubbers are on hand to help.
I Have Built Over 100 Websites Worldwide and Directly Developed Countless Brands.
Let me help you build your online business from startup to stardom. My company, Brand Scrubbers, has assisted more than 200 organizations across the globe, developed more than 100 websites, created more than 250 logos and assisted over 15 different non-profit organizations pro bono.
Contact me for more information on how, together, we can help your business achieve greater profitability online.
Sacha Brant
How I can help
Think of me as your Swiss army knife of online and business building brilliance. No matter the online mountain I can climb it for you. Let’s Connect and see how I can help you and your business
01. Website & Branding
Your website acts as a virtual address where your curious potential customers have the ability to learn more about you with your knowledge.
That’s why your website needs to make a lasting impression by functioning well, looking stellar, and providing an enjoyable customer journey.
To that effect your branding needs to be as on point, guess what I do that too!
02. Business Consulting
Every Business has area’s for growth, things holding them back and sometimes what seams like endless frustrations.
Let me help you elevate your business to next level of success. I pride myself in having the skills to help business owners fall in love with their business again.
03. Art/Portfolio
There are a few things in life I am truly passionate about as I am when it comes to the arts and empowering others. My business gives me tones of opportunity to stretch my artistic wings and create. Through all my fantastic clients I have had the opportunity to create some really cool digital art. When I’m not creating for my clients you can find me arting on my tablet 😉 Please feel free to check out some of my work!
Proof Is in the Pudding
I have been Called A Power Player
My goal has never been to get disgustingly wealthy. I started my business based off the fact I was sick and tired of seeing services I could provide at a fair value be multiplied 10-fold for no reason. I thought to myself wow how can you ask a single mom who is just starting her brand-new business to try and provide a better life for her family and children 20k for a website… Or 1000 dollars for a branding package! My passion is for building business and setting my clients up for the best possible success right of the bat.
Building a future for yourself should not empty the bank in fact it should be building it. I developed my business to give entry points to entrepreneurs and business owners at all stages of their journey.
Business's improved